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Center for Teaching and Learning Introduces Flex@Pitt Playbook
During the Fall 2023 semester, instructors and students should be prepared to move between in-person and online modes of instruction, as opportunities for in-class meetings, social distancing recommendations, and public health concerns can change at any time. Flex@Pitt is an instructional model that accommodates in-person and remote instructors and students.

Dietrich School Introduces Test-Optional Admissions Policy for Fall 2021 Applicants
Students applying for admission to any major in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences for the fall of 2021 will have the option to include or not include their SAT or ACT scores as part of the application submission.

SSTap:简单快速的全局伋理(游戏加速) - 思悟博客:2021-8-26 · 平时你如果想要 某些IP走 伋理 或者 直连,并不需要纠结于伋理模式,而是直接在 附加路由管理中 添加相关动作 即可。 例如: 我玩的外服游戏的服务器 IP是,而因为未知原因导致某个伋理模式下,IP 不走伋理,但是我想让他走伋理加速。。那我就可伍填写 IP:,动作:伋理,并 ...
The University of Pittsburgh is coming together to meet the challenges ahead and build a more resilient community and campus. Learn about the steps we’re taking—and your critical role in keeping Pitt healthy.